The plates seem to be spinning pretty decently so far...though there is always a plate that tries to stop spinning...
Yesterday, in the middle of scanning, my 4 year old scanner crapped out on me. Of course, I needed it to finish some work so I imediately ran out to buy a replacement. I soon found out that it's just about impossible to buy a flatbed scanner by itself these days - at least in a store. The only options at Best Buy were the combos (which , at this point I was willing to do even though my printer is still going strong), but only one of these combos had a scan surface bigger than letter size and it sure didn't seem like an upgrade. Even with my old scanner I already had to do a lot of cutting and pasting in Photoshop for bigger pieces (and almost everything is a bigger piece) so this wasn't going to do it. I took a deep breath and thought I'd look around and see what else was available before I settled, so I wandered over to Office Max (next door) and found an 11x17 scanner and printer made by Brother. Even if this wasn't the best scanner on the market (and the reviews seem pretty good) I was immediately upgraded to a much bigger scanning surface as well as the ability to print 11x17 - something I haven't been able to do for a long time. So, besides being able to now scan full size comic pages (assuming I ever do any more comic work) all you commissioners will also now profit from my scanner crapping out...
And speaking of which, here's the latest finished G rated commission...