This morning I checked in on one of the blogs that I check daily and was shocked to read the news that Dave Stevens of Rocketeer fame had died. I'm going to post a link to Mark Evanier's blog as he is a much more capable writer than I and sounds like he probably knew Dave much better than I did. Please feel free to go read his thoughts.
Shocked doesn't quite cover what I felt when I read about Dave's death. I'd known Dave since my days at Filmation when we shared a room together while doing layouts on The Lone Ranger. Not only was Dave a wonderful guy with a great sense of humor, but I was astounded by the level of his talent and quite envious. We'd fallen out of contact with one another after I'd hired him to help with Teegra on Fire and Ice. Just recently we had got together again, about three or four years ago, after we hooked up at the last Comic-Con in San Diego that he had a booth. We had lunch and it was like we'd stayed in contact the entire time.
I had last spoken with him to raz him about not showing up to the last Comic-Con when they had scheduled a pannel with him. One of my sons and I waited in the audience of the panel before his (coincidently that panel was with Mark Evanier) for him to show and it slowly became apparent that he wasn't going to show. On that phone call we had made plans to have lunch and those plans unfortunately fell through for one reason or another. I feel bad I never got around to rescheduling.
Shocked doesn't quite cover what I felt when I read about Dave's death. I'd known Dave since my days at Filmation when we shared a room together while doing layouts on The Lone Ranger. Not only was Dave a wonderful guy with a great sense of humor, but I was astounded by the level of his talent and quite envious. We'd fallen out of contact with one another after I'd hired him to help with Teegra on Fire and Ice. Just recently we had got together again, about three or four years ago, after we hooked up at the last Comic-Con in San Diego that he had a booth. We had lunch and it was like we'd stayed in contact the entire time.
I had last spoken with him to raz him about not showing up to the last Comic-Con when they had scheduled a pannel with him. One of my sons and I waited in the audience of the panel before his (coincidently that panel was with Mark Evanier) for him to show and it slowly became apparent that he wasn't going to show. On that phone call we had made plans to have lunch and those plans unfortunately fell through for one reason or another. I feel bad I never got around to rescheduling.
I'm sorry to hear about the loss of your friend Steve. I was a big fan of his and always wished I could meet him at a con.
Steven -
I have no words to express my sentiments.
What a sweet tribute drawing!
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