Okay, I'm finally able to slow down a little bit because my stint at IDT/FilmRoman is almost at an end. I'm definitely on the downhill side of post-production on
The Condor - all that remains is working with Music, Sound FX, a few more ADR and Walla recording sessions and final mix. I just finished color correction (TeleCine) and the film looks 100% better. I've always rolled my eyes whenever anyone uses the dreaded phrase
"we'll fix it in post", but in this case it was very true. When you're working on a small budget sometimes you have no choice - but what really helped is that we had the time to make it better.
So, now, I'm looking for my next job/project. I've got a couple of irons in the fire, but nothing concrete yet. Anyone know of anything interesting feel free to pass on my name...;)
Don't worry...that wasn't the news I was referring to in the title of this post. I just received the proof of my book "Expressions and Attitudes" and it looks great. I should be receiving all 500 of them sometime next week and then I'll start selling them on-line. I'll see if I can set up a 'store' on my web-site, but you'll definitely be able to order it via this blog by e-mailing me at steve@stevenegordon.com
I also have seen the HarperCollins X3 books show up and bookstores. They turned out really nice and I think fans should enjoy them.
The other big news is that I think I've decided on a poster...here's a lo-res version of it.

I decide to not go with characters from X-M:E or the Ultimates. I figure there was enough of them on my web-site and in my book, so I thought I'd try an old favorite of mine - John Carter of mars. I call this
'Thark Attack'.
What do you think?
Of course, I don't have a table yet at SDCC...the people in charge at SDCC are still trying to figure out where to put everyone and I'm crossing my fingers they'll have room for me. My intent is to share a table with my friend, Francesco Francavilla, who besides being the guy who set up my
web-site and my book is also a great artist. You can check out his art and also buy some of the great books he's created.