4:15-5:15 Lionsgate/Marvel: Hulk vs. Wolverine
5:00-6:00 Spotlight on Bernie Wrightson
8:30-10:00 Marvel/Lionsgate: Next Avengers: Heroes of Tomorrow World Premiere
10:15-11:15 Spotlight on Ralph Bakshi
1:15-2:00 Warner Bros.: Terminator Salvation
8:30-10:00 Marvel: Wolverine and The X-Men Animated Screening
11:00 AM - NOON / Room 7AB
Remembering Dave Stevens
(I'll let any of you attending do the work and find out what rooms these will be in if you're interested)
With any luck at all next year the project that I've been hinting about for awhile (and a few of you have guessed) might have a presence at Comic-Con. We are getting closer every day and things are shaping up nice financially.
In the meantime here's another couple of roughs for commissions that I'm working on as well as a more polished piece: