I thought I'd share a piece of art I needed to create as part of the pitch materials for the secret project that I've been hinting at lately. I think we're getting closer to putting it together, but you never know in this business. I'm hoping that I'll be able to release the info on it soon...assuming everything goes well.
I also want to thank all of you on my commissions list for being so patient and understanding. Here's a detail from one of the latest ones.

Well, I'm stumped. I had a few guesses about your secret project, but this- well, that throws all my guesses out. Colour me intrigued! Not that I wasn't before ^_~
I like that Jean's still wearing that hood-head piece. These commissions are great!
jean mkes me so hot
Now there's a sight to make Scott Summers forget how to speak coherently. :D
Hmmm...is that King Arthur?
Thanks for the great work. It was worth every penny!
We have to pay for the commisions?
Sorry the english, i'm aBrazilian
Yes, commissions are paid for. You can visit my web-site for more information. http://stevenegordon.com
I guess I'm started annoying you lol do u have a youtube account ? If yes tell me what is it- I wanna subscribe to one of my fav artists :)
Neoneel25 at youtube
Don't worry, you're not bothering me.
I don't have a youtube channel for you to subscribe to - sorry.
Is this the whole image or just a sneak peak? If it is just a sneak peak then is there any way for us (not the people commisioning it) to see it?
lol...At first I thought you were talking about the drawing of the knight...
SOmetime in the future I might reveal a full picture of the Jean commission...with some blurring for the sensitive....
would you consider selling an un-blurred scan of it?
This is exclusive to the commissioner so a hi-res copy is out of the question, but if you'd like to commission something similiar we could talk.
As much as I'd love to commision something similar, I simply can't afford to pay the $120-300 charge listed on your site. That's why I asked about a scan, as I assumed it would be cheaper as it requires less effort on your part. Oh well I suppose I'll have to wait and see if you reveal a blurred out version in the future. Thanks for the help and quick replies.
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