I'm still busy working towards season 2 of Wolverine and the X-Men as well as some miscellaneous freelance gigs so the commissions are slow cominmg, but I'm trying to do what I can to not disappoint anyone.
I might have some cool news coming up soon on the secret project if all goes well. We'll see - in this business (and this economy) you can't count on anything until the check clears. I'll settle for it getting close enough to get my lawyer involved.
Will you be directing episodes of 'Wolverine and the X-Men' season two as well?
Some more Logan/Rogue stuff in 'Wolverine and the X-Men' would just send me over the moon!
I'm especially loving the colouring on their hair, Logan in particular. I wouldn't worry about disappointing anyone- like you ever could. ^_^
Still excited for your secret project though! I do hope it goes through, the economy be damned.
Oh- and happy birthday ^_^
You just made my day. Thank you for sharing. There isn't enough Logan and Rogue lovin' in the world.
Oh i adore this pic. i put it as my wall paper. please let logan and rogue get together in the anime i would love to see them as a couple and stay that way.
their perfect for each other.
Oooh I LOVE this!!
Please bring us some more Rogue&Wolverine goodness to the show. I really love this pairing so much. I've always felt they should have been paired together a long time ago. Their personalities are so entertwined and the chemistry is great between them in any universe.
Thank you for this wonderful artwork!
I'm glad I've found your blog.
I still miss "Fantasia" and the old design.
Little by little I'm learning to like the new animation.
As you've been working for 30 years you must have been part of the changing.
Nice blog!
I thought it was all dont at the computer. :)
Have a nice weekend.
PS: Happy Birthday! (Just saw the comment.)
man gambit would be pissed
happy b-day
I know you probably get this a lot, but you are so unbelievably talented...
These pics are great! As usual! :)
I wish you all the best!
Kind regards from Hungary
Please give us Logan/Rogue love! We needed it back when we had our 169 comic cover. Please continue that beginning and give us what we've been waiting for...what we deserve. I don't know if the film producers will be smart enough to bring Paquin into the Wolverine sequel, but please do your best to bring Logan and Rogue back into our lives. Thank you.
So cool to see a Wolvie/Rogue pic that's completely legit! PLEASE put them together in Wolverine & the X-Men!
This piece is SO beautiful, and if Rogue were to wear a full bodysuit and have a couple scarves... *wink* There's the romance for you...
(BTW, at the 2008 Comic-Con, I was the kid with the red streaks in her hair who thanked you guys for giving us a hint of Wolverine/Rogue shipping...)
Great pic of Wolverine and Rogue! Just like others have already said I always thought these two belonged together, they have great chemistry and really connect.
Off topic real quick, how much do you charge for a commission anyway? If its possible I would seriously be interested in a commissioned drawing done by you if its possible.
hi steve your draws are cool.. could you do a kurtty draw like the draw of rogue and wolverine please? i really love your draws!
I agree with comicxguy gambit would be very "upset"
But good idea
OOOH! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE put Rogue and Logan together in Wolverine and the X-Men! They're made for each other, and with her ability Rogue could stop ageing, if she used it on Logan every so often, but not enough to hurt him!
This pic is awesome!
Hi Steve, I think someone has taken the liberty of tracing or at least copying from your Rogue/Gambit sketch on Deviantart.com and posing it as their own as different characters. I'm not sure if thats a degree of plagiarism or flat out stealing but I thought I'd let you know.
Respect you too much to let someone take even a little of your work and pass it off as their own.
Here 's the guy.
Thanks Wren....I'll look into it.
"Swiping" is ok if you alter it enough so it becomes your own. In this case it appears he has changed very little other than the costumes.
Hi Steve. Hope that it goes okay. But Just to let you know I clicked the report button on the artwork. Hope I didn't cause too much trouble for you.
No problem...let me know what happens.
Actually I posted a "comment" asking if he used reference for his drawing and my question was deleted and I was blocked from commenting further.
I don't use deviant art much so I have no idea how to report someone so thank you for doing it for me.
Will definitely let you know if anything happens. The DA people are supposed to inform the person who reports the artwork if anything comes of the report filed.
Sorry to meet you on such grounds by the way. Just want to say that your work inspirational and that its because of artists/animators like you that I'm trying to get into the industry myself. So thank you. :)
Funny how this is one of the most popular posts, and yet, we never seem to get Logan and Rogue together in canon. What's up with that, you think?
With all the changes they keep making it's bound to happen...
Nothing more than a statutory rape/pedophile pairing.
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