I thought I'd give everyone a little preview of the cover for my sketchbook. It should be ready just in time for SDCC. Francesco Francavilla is putting it together for me. He's the genius that put together my web-site and now he also has his own web-site where you can check out some of his great artwork. Its address is: http://www.francescofrancavilla.com/ and is well worth a look.
Hopefully you've noticed that I'm also being a whore and advertising for the Ultimate Avengers DTV and the two HarperCollins X-Men 3 books I worked on. These links will take you to Amazon and if you're going to buy them then use these links and yours truly gets some kick back...
AWESOME, but can we get this from you if we can't make it to San Deigo?
Don't worry - I will definitely be selling it on-line as well.
Steve, you don't have to put a half naked girl on the front of your sketchbook like everyone else do you? I will buy it even with out that on there.
Hi Steve, jsut hoping your sketch book has more new X-Men evolution designes!by the way when is San Diego? and please do advertise for the new X-M:E DVD!
Sweet! Looks like it'll be a an awesome book :)
Hi Anon:
You're right I didn't have to put a half naked girl on the cover, but just be glad my wife stopped me from putting something even worse inside.
I'm glad you would buy my book regardless, but I'm hoping that this girl (which IS a character design of mine) piques the interest of those that don't know me from Adam.
I doubt they'll be much X-M:E stuff you haven't seen in the book, but thanks for the idea about advertising for the new video...
Thanks Steve for approving my request but your comment still obscures me, I just need to ask that there will be X-M:E art in your sketch book.Right?And u'll be posting some of it on your website as well?
Sorry...I didn't mean to be oblique.
There will be some X-M:E art in the sketchbook. I doubt I'll add anymore to the web-site though.
Once that sketchbooks comes out, i will eat, sleep, draw and play video games with it in my hands. Id go even crazier it was animating sessions with you but ill start with the basics first. You got your first order! *urgh im such a fanboy. .....*
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