Sorry if it seemed to take a long time, but I finally came to the decision to make the SDCC poster of Rogue available for the same price I was selling it for at the convention - $10. BUT that will only be for the continental US. If you want it shipped elsewhere it will probably be more a little more and we can discuss it on a case by case situation.
If you want one just pay via PayPal to my e-mail address: steve@stevenegordon.com and make sure you indicate that you're paying for the poster.
I really love this Rogue sketch and your Evo-Jean sketch in her Phoenix costume. When will your website's " download " section be complete?Its' under construction for like 1 whole year. Anyways, I was hoping if there were other
X-M:E posters that u had made...thanks for the great sketches Mr.Steve! I already have your Rogue poster! Thank u so much!
Hey Steve, how about shipping to Canada?
postal code L1T-3M7
And is shipping any cheaper with the sketchbook? As i will be getting that too.
Not Fed-ex or UPS if possible, they screw us royally at the border.
Ted...Add $2 for each item (that's $2 for the book and another $2 for the poster)...unfortunately shipping together won't work as they are packaged separately.
nice poster.
Mr.Steve,can u please suggest Boyd Kirkland to start his own Blog,we X-M:E fans have some questions that we need him to answer. Thanks!
I doubt Boiyd will put together a blog anytime soon, but if you send me your questions I'll pass them along to Boyd...I'll try to be your conduit ;)
Thanks Steve.
ok then Mr. Steve!
Mr Boyd Kirkland,can u please give us,X-M:E fans,the opportunity to come up with the ideas for the last X-M:E DVD-Season 4? We can give suggestions on the menu,layout,box-art,special features etc cuz I wasn't happy with how the Season 3 DVD looked like,it had the same old menu,xtras....sorry....but please let us give the right to come up with something new.
Well, I don't even need to pass that on to Boyd. I can give you the answer...Boyd has nothing whatsoever to do with the DVD release of any of the shows other than to be possible interviewed for the extras. You would have to contact Warners Home Video to express your feelings and then I'm not sure that would help. As of this date I haven't heard anything about the final season being released and I would find out as soon as anyone since they usually hire me to do the covers.
I'm sorry...
wow! U also made the cover art for Season 3 DVD,right? Please dont tell me that Warner Home Video tpld u on how the cover should look like. Atleast,we can get a cover art of our choise.Pleaseeee Mr.Gordon,ughh,ok,if that's beginning to sound annoying.Thanks,anways.
Me and my big mouth...sorry to dissapoint you again, but I'm usually hired after all the decisions have been made and I just pull it all onto model.
yeah...thanks Mr. Steve
U know,I've got some great possible X-M:E ideas, but I think I should just forget about it,cuz I know its' useless.
Hi, My name is Marta, I'm 15 and I'm from Poland. I love X-Men Evolution and your drawing, Mr. Gordon. I have a question: Why nobody works upon season 5 X-Men Evolution? It would be possible to present many things in next episodes, for example: events from vision of Professor X in Ascension part 2.
rebecca - you ought to look into fan fiction...I think there's still some x-M:E fan fiction going on...anyone know?
Marta, the reason why no one is working on season 5 is because the show was cancelled several years ago. Sorry...
How big is the poster? Also- what can one expect to find in the "attitudes and expressions" book, listed at the bottom of the page? Obviously, some sort of display of attitudes and expressions, but is it a how to draw book, a refrence book, just a collection of your (ever awesome) art?
Blaze Rocket
Hi Blaze Rocket...the poster is 18x24.
My book is not a "how to" book though some less than knowledgable people have thought it was (only showing their ignorance of what a "how to" book should be), but a compilation of expressions and attitudes that I've done over the years, sketches and commissions. It could be used as a reference to view a variety of expressions for different types characters.
How's that for a non-answer ;)
This website is very very complete. I'm French and I am fan of X-Men Evolution, I look at it every Sunday and I try to draw characters of this series. I like this site but the future X-Men and the Future Brotherood are very ugly.I like animations above all when girls are dancing.
I hope that you understand !!!
I know its like 2 years late, but you wouldn't happen to have any of those Rogue posters lying around would you? I'd love to purchase one if you do (especially if you sign them before sending them out). If you do, please e-mail me at mmccull2@ithaca.edu and I'll send you the payment. Thanks in advance!
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